
June 25, 2010

Photo Fridays

Today I have a little project of my own to share with you! What started out as my wanting to photograph these gorgeous peonies I scored (thanks The Naked Florist!), turned into a really personal shoot inspired by my grandmother.

For those who don't know me personally, my Nana passed away a few months ago. I will admit I have been having a hard time with it. I took this chance at photographing something as a way to memorialize her (and sort of therapy for myself). Everything in the shoot was hers, now mine. From the table cloth and china, to the old postcards and letters (even one from 1903 written to her mother from my great grandfather all in German). The butterfly pin was a trademark of hers. There was never a day she didn't have some sort of bug pinned to her shoulder. I baked cupcakes and wrapped them in pieces of maps to represent her love of travel. Her and my granddad were missionaries that served in Paris, Greece, and Norway among traveling to many other places.

On top of all the great vintage stuff, I even shot with film (not really by choice, you may remember how my digital broke). Plus, the only film I had was expired so the results (to me anyway) are completely stunning! All the strange coloring, dust marks, and water spots to me are beautiful blemishes that enhance the vintage tone.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this little bit of vintage inspiration. Let me know what you think!


  1. Beautiful pictures and a beautiful tribute to an amazing woman!

  2. Those are absolutely beautiful! So lovely!!

  3. Megan, I am so proud of you. These are GORGEOUS! You are breathtaking and I love you and you should be VERY proud of these images. I know your Nana would be!
    <3, kPow

  4. What a beautiful shoot! The meaning behind it makes it truly special!

  5. Ok, this is most definitely my favorite shoot of yours. These are amazing, I agree, expired film was the perfect touch! Your Nana would love these, this is a beautiful way to honor her.

    Also, how fabulous are those peonies? They are perfect! I'm in love!

  6. I am in awe... You are extremely talented and I know your grandmother would be so honored & proud of you :) This is the best tribute I have seen thus far. Absolutely beautiful.

  7. Thanks so much everyone! I really loved how it turned out and I'm glad you all loved it as well!

  8. Just Beautiful Megan ... what a beautiful tribute to your Nana! That's Love ... C'est ça l'amour

  9. I'm crying. That was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Makes me miss my maw maw. You are so talented and I'm so proud of you! -Alice

  10. Wow! they came out so amazing... almost like you touched them up to come out old looking. Gorgeous Megan! - Shawna

  11. These are stunning, touchingly beautiful and super inspiring. Great work xt

  12. I LOVE this. From everything - the fact that the stuff was your nanas, and the vintage feeling fromt he expired film (which looks fab) to everything- this is beautiful photography- you are truly talented!
    ~Kismet (of the Unreal Bride :) )


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