
July 5, 2010

Etsy Find of the Week: Shop KCQ

Looking to include your cute pooch in the wedding festivities? Shop KCQ has got you covered! I am head over paws (you know I had to!) for her adorable pet accessories! These lovely little bows and corsages velcro right onto your pup's collar, then they are set for one sophisticated soiree! All are handmade and there are even some charming eco-friendly designs! I am quite fond of this fun houndstooth bow tie myself!


  1. Hello it's me one of those crazy dog lovers ;) I saw some beautiful collars on dogs hiking yesterday, but none like these! Glad I found you

  2. Cute! I could imagine my Molly with one of these creations :) Off to check them out!

  3. this makes me want a dog! hahaha =)

    <3, kPow

  4. OMG THESE ARE SO ADORABLE!!! I dont know what I love better the dogs or their adorable collars!! What a fun find! ♥


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